
Wagg Creek at footbridge below sedimentation pond - WAG-M-03 Medium Priority

North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

WAG-M-03 WAG Creek at footbridge below the sedimentation pond at the fish ladder. CNV City Map CNV City Map -123.0777490, 49.32733712 Long and Lat, or UTM 494,351E, 5,463,848N. Identical to Salt Project site "Wagg Creek Fish Ladder and Pond at Mahon St". Merge data into this new location or archive old data?

Location created by
Paul Lhotka
  • Site ID: WAG-M-03
  • Lat: 49.3272058
  • Lng: -123.0778384
  • Waterbody Type: Creek
  • Timezone: America/Vancouver

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Turbidity <14
Looking very clear today

28 Nov 08:40 by Marissa Hoftiezer

Turbidity less than 14.

Tested due to Paul's report of blackish water downstream at 10:20. Black water observed in the pond and below it, but turbidity normal (even in the pond itself). Black water seemed to be concentrated on the east side of the pond (inflow side from E06A rather than inflow side from W03) but this may have been an artifact of the greater depth on that side. Minor foaming.

09 Nov 11:00 by Marissa Hoftiezer

Turbidity <14

08 Nov 09:24 by Anne Leathem

Turbidity <14

07 Nov 13:06 by Anne Leathem

Turbidity less than 14

YSI simultaneous measurements

14 Oct 12:05 by Susan Germain

Did not sample oxygen this morning, couldn't safely get closer than the edge due to strength of flow. Looks pretty aerated though :D

Big dead fish from yesterday not visible - uncertain if it was covered by water, washed downstream, or eaten by a raccoon.

04 Oct 07:30 by Marissa Hoftiezer

Less than 14

03 Oct 07:55 by Cory Howey

Rain had stopped when we arr at this site.
YSI measurements taken simultaneously.
Secchi disk just discernable at 14 NTU; turbidity is <14, but had brownish cast and appeared more slightly more turbid than water at WAG-O6a measured in the same session.

22 Sep 20:39 by Carolynne Robertson

Foam on surface. Water is turbid.

13 Sep 16:13 by Suzanne Earle

Tested after observing water cloudiness at WAG-E-06a while on a walk. Smelled bad, cloudy.

12 Sep 19:35 by Marissa Hoftiezer