Columbine Culvert Downstream

Swan Creek

Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada

Downstream of the main culvert entering into Swan Creek in the park adjacent to Columbine Way.

Location created by
Roxanne van Velzen

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Swan Creek : Columbine Culvert Downstream

Observed on

Spawning gravel has noticeably moved downstream into riffle (coho action combined with rainfall f...

Swan Creek : Columbine Culvert Downstream

Observed on

Great Blue Heron (Hank!) was startled from his fishing of the 'weary' spawning 2024Coho (Nov.2-De...

Swan Creek : Columbine Culvert Downstream

Observed on

No Fish seen upstream of this location since 'Hank' was here!

Swan Creek : Columbine Culvert Downstream

Observed on

Van. Island Buck in velvet bounced across field.