Deer River
Theodore, Alabama, United States
Where Dauphin Island Parkway bridge crosses the South fork of Deer River. Samples taken while standing on Dauphin Island Parkway bridge. Flowing water. Collecting bacteriologic samples could potentially be dangerous due to unstable rocks that are coated in algae.

- Group: Alabama Water Watch
- Site ID: AWW06022001
- Lat: 30.5179807
- Lng: -88.10709
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: America/Chicago
Latest photos
My incubator got to hot (40 degrees) and killed all E.coli and other coliform colonies (at least that is what I am assuming). Will have to remove one of my lights from my oven and test the temp before monitoring next month.
No rain fall prior to sampling
I forgot to bring my sample bottle therefore I did not get to complete the water chemistry tests
Litter prevalent at site; deposited by drivers on Baker Sorrel rd.
a lot of rain in the last week. Wildlife present and visible. Litter is still an issue (old and new litter present).
Litter is an ongoing issue. Litter is coming from vehicles driving on Dauphin Island Parkway
Litter present at site. Litter coming from drivers on Dauphin Island Parkway.
Litter at site.
One bacteria sample did not gel while in the incubator and is not included in this observation.
Heavy rains weekend prior to sampling.
Bacteria levels are usually high- potentially due to old septic systems being present upstream of the sampling site coupled with the heavy rains from the weekend
Litter is visible at site. Litter coming from Dauphin Island Parkway.
No rain in previous 48 hours. Wildlife is present- ducks, heron, fish, crabs. Litter is still an issue.