Old Trace Park

Ross Barnett Reservoir

Ridgeland, Mississippi, United States

Shoreline park on the west side of the Ross Barnett Reservoir. Lots of boat traffic. Canada Geese are prevalent. Sample in front of the electrical platform.

Location created by
Abby Braman

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Ross Barnett Reservoir : Old Trace Park

Observed on

Sampling was the most challenging it has been today due to lower water depths and the hill of roc...

Ross Barnett Reservoir : Old Trace Park

Observed on

The water level seemed far below last sampling. Given the rock wall and the lower depths, getting...

Ross Barnett Reservoir : Old Trace Park

Observed on

Sampling at this site is more challenging on days when the water is choppy since the placement of...

Ross Barnett Reservoir : Old Trace Park

Observed on

Beautiful day at Old Trace Park. Had a conversation with a man and his young sons at the sampling...

Ross Barnett Reservoir : Old Trace Park

Observed on

Windy with rainstorm nearby during sampling. A few days of afternoon storms this week. The rock...

Ross Barnett Reservoir : Old Trace Park

Observed on

Quiet day at Old Trace Park other than disc golf players and a couple of walkers. Warm, pleasant ...

Ross Barnett Reservoir : Old Trace Park

Observed on

Temperature drop at sampling time due to rains in the vicinity. Recent days have been extremely h...

Ross Barnett Reservoir : Old Trace Park

Observed on

Very few people in the park despite the nice weather. Great Blue Heron spotted in the same locati...

Ross Barnett Reservoir : Old Trace Park

Observed on

Very hot day with few people in the park. Several people out on the water. Entire shore of Old Tr...

Ross Barnett Reservoir : Old Trace Park

Observed on

Delayed in sampling due to several rainy days. Several people observed enjoying the park today. I...