Bayou Path Dr Stream in Atwater Subdivision


Naperville, Illinois, United States

The monitoring site is at a concrete culvert that is channeling outflow from the large south pond in the Atwater subdivision into a stream. The stream flows north along Bayou Path Drive until it enters a culvert leading underneath Bayou Path Drive. The water is moving and in previous winters, has been one of the last places to ice over.

Location created by
Lisa Hjorth

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Stream : Bayou Path Dr Stream in Atwater Subdivision

Observed on

The test site is near a neighborhood street that received road salt due to icy conditions on 02/0...

Stream : Bayou Path Dr Stream in Atwater Subdivision

Observed on

The large pond that flows into the stream test site had ice on it. The outflow stream (test site)...

Stream : Bayou Path Dr Stream in Atwater Subdivision

Observed on

The large pond (inflow) had some thin ice on it. The water flowed where I tested, so it was witho...

Stream : Bayou Path Dr Stream in Atwater Subdivision

Observed on

Using the sample of water for my November 2024 observation, I placed an unused test strip from la...

Stream : Bayou Path Dr Stream in Atwater Subdivision

Observed on

The inflow (west) has strainers that were obstructed with mud and sticks, possibly caused by a mu...

Stream : Bayou Path Dr Stream in Atwater Subdivision

Observed on

Stream was free of any debris or litter. The stream was flowing fast. You could not see the botto...

Stream : Bayou Path Dr Stream in Atwater Subdivision

Observed on

Testing site clear of trash, just some tree branches. Water flow was very steady. Upon completion...

Stream : Bayou Path Dr Stream in Atwater Subdivision

Observed on

Water levels were fairly high due to recent rains.

Stream : Bayou Path Dr Stream in Atwater Subdivision

Observed on

Between the January test and this test 10-14 days of frigid weather, snow, ice, wintry mix (sleet...

Stream : Bayou Path Dr Stream in Atwater Subdivision

Observed on

Several snowstorms and road salting occurred prior to today's test. There was a steady flow of wa...