Bayou Path Dr Stream in Atwater Subdivision


Naperville, Illinois, United States

The monitoring site is at a concrete culvert that is channeling outflow from the large south pond in the Atwater subdivision into a stream. The stream flows north along Bayou Path Drive until it enters a culvert leading underneath Bayou Path Drive. The water is moving and in previous winters, has been one of the last places to ice over.

Location created by
Lisa Hjorth

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The test site is near a neighborhood street that received road salt due to icy conditions on 02/05/25 and 02/08/25 (prior to the 02/09/25 test date). The large pond (inflow) was mostly iced over; however, the outflow creek was not and had a steady flow of water.

09 Feb 13:53 by Lisa Hjorth

The large pond that flows into the stream test site had ice on it. The outflow stream (test site) had no ice on it and 3 Mallard ducks were on the open water stream. Water was fairly clear and flowing. Three golf balls were visible, but not retrievable, on the stream bottom. The test site was part of a former golf course.

10 Jan 11:40 by Lisa Hjorth

The large pond (inflow) had some thin ice on it. The water flowed where I tested, so it was without ice. The city had salted the nearby road on 12.05.2024 following a mild snowfall.

09 Dec 15:00 by Lisa Hjorth

The inflow (west) has strainers that were obstructed with mud and sticks, possibly caused by a muskrat or other critter. Some water was able to flow through to where I drew the water sample on the east (outflow).

10 Nov 12:20 by Lisa Hjorth

Using the sample of water for my November 2024 observation, I placed an unused test strip from last season's testing cycle (Lot #A3285A) in the sample and compared the results to the current test strip for this season's testing cycle (Lot #4272A). Both strips produced the same result of 65 PPM. This exercise provides some confidence in the accuracy between Lots of test strips and between sets of observations for last season and this season.

10 Nov 12:20 by Lisa Hjorth

Stream was free of any debris or litter. The stream was flowing fast. You could not see the bottom. The chloride reading was rather faint compared to earlier tests, so I included a close-up picture to show the peak better.

05 May 16:03 by Lisa Hjorth

Testing site clear of trash, just some tree branches. Water flow was very steady. Upon completion of testing a small sized muskrat swam upstream through one of the culverts (test site) and through the yellow strainers into the big pond. It was not bothered by my close proximity.

14 Apr 12:04 by Lisa Hjorth

Water levels were fairly high due to recent rains.

16 Mar 11:04 by Lisa Hjorth

Between the January test and this test 10-14 days of frigid weather, snow, ice, wintry mix (sleet, rain) and days of rain were experienced. Salting of a nearby road also occurred.

09 Feb 15:46 by Lisa Hjorth

Several snowstorms and road salting occurred prior to today's test. There was a steady flow of water and easy access to sample. Portions of the main pond were starting to ice over. Significant (6-12") snow and frigid (single digit) days starting on 01.12.24.

11 Jan 14:31 by Lisa Hjorth