Saint Joseph Creek

Saint Joseph Creek

Lisle, Illinois, United States

The site is a bridge where Ogden Avenue crosses Saint Joseph Creek. The creek does have flowing water most of the time unless there has been a drought. A sample is easily taken by lowering a bucket by rope over the railing of the bridge from the sidewalk next to the bridge.

Location created by
Robert Swirsky
  • Lat: 41.8017268
  • Lng: -88.0688737
  • Waterbody Type: Creek
  • Timezone: America/Chicago

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Saint Joseph Creek : Saint Joseph Creek

Observed on

A very thin layer of ice was still on the creek with some areas along the bank with no ice.

Saint Joseph Creek : Saint Joseph Creek

Observed on

Unable to collect a sample because of solid ice.

Saint Joseph Creek : Saint Joseph Creek

Observed on

The results of the duplicate test (test #2) were the same as the first test. Quantab units = 7....

Saint Joseph Creek : Saint Joseph Creek

Observed on

The Quantab Units result was actually 8.8 indicating that the PPM of Chloride would actually be o...

Saint Joseph Creek : Saint Joseph Creek

Observed on

The road over the bridge and roads upstream of the site had been salted prior to the light snowfa...