Greys Creek Bay

St. Lawrence River

Gananoque, Ontario, Canada

Sheltered bay with a sandy/rocky bottom, next to a main rd and maintained lawns. The river flows into the bay and the waves erode the shoreline. There are some fallen trees.

Location created by
Emma Ehrenfeld

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Sara MacMartin on the St. Lawrence River. "797 King Street East,
Gananoque, ON K7G 1H4 (Behind the starbucks)".

03 Oct 02:15 by Watersheds Canada

Plants: Willow trees, Eurasian milfoil, elodea, water plantain, fanwort, richardsons pondweed, fragrant white waterlilies, water meal, water nymph, algae.

Birds: Ringbill gulls.

Invertibrates: Zebra mussels.

Fish: Bluegill sunfish, rock bass, pumpkinseed sunfish, golden shiners, lepomis sp., blacknose shiners, blackchin shiners, pugnose shiners, banded killifish, largemouth bass, round goby, tubenose goby, yellow perch, mimic shiners, bridle shiners, fallfish, spotfin shiners.

Invasive species: Zebra mussels, round goby, tubenose goby, eurasian milfoil.

24 Aug 10:45 by Emma Ehrenfeld