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Blackwater River : Blackwater River - Aldershot Park

Aldershot, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Observed by
Annabelle Lloyd-Jane
pH (0-14) What's this? 6.8
Secchi depth m What's this? bottom visible
Chlorine ppm What's this? 0.0
Hardness mg/L What's this? 150.0
Nitrates ppm What's this? 1.5
Alkalinity mg/L What's this? 100.0
Conductivity μS/cm What's this? 451.0
Air temperature °C What's this? 10.0
Water temperature °C What's this? 9.2
Phosphates total ppm What's this? 0.02


Current weather What's this?
  • cloudy
Weather in previous 24 hours What's this?
  • cloudy
  • rainy

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Nothing observed on the surface of the water - couple bits of rubbish sitting on the bottom - water was clear enough to see the bottom