Kipabiskau Lake - 600m southeast of Kipabiskau Regional Park : Kipabiskau
Saskatchewan, Canada

- Observed on: Fri, 19 Aug 2022 11:30:00 -0600
Associated with:
University of Regina : Citizen Science - Lat: 52.567308
- Lng: -104.1759109
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PH measured with a meter with previous samples using test strips. Heavy weed growth on north shore line on west end of the lake. Mechanical weed cutting was done mid July and we should have waited for another 2 weeks as getting off boat lifts to deeper water is becoming difficult. Also water level is down over a foot with water just up to the rocks with some sand showing. Minimal algae growth all season which may be due to nutrient competition with the weeds however new owner of a 3500 cow/feedlot operation on our south shore has also taken steps to lessen his footprint down stream which will benefit Kip.