pH (0-14)
What's this?
Loch Leven at Ben Voirlick Drive : Loch Leven
Saskatchewan, Canada

Observed by
Nancy Dobson
- Observed on: Mon, 01 Nov 2021 15:05:22 -0600
Associated with:
University of Regina : Citizen Science - Lat: 49.6685168
- Lng: -109.5010884
Observation report
See trends at this locationWater quality tests
✓ Quality checked by Water Rangers What's this?
Dissolved oxygen mg/L
What's this?
Salinity ppt
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Conductivity μS/cm
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Water temperature °C
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Latest photos
There is ice on the lake, so we couldn’t go out in the canoe. We broke through the ice at a dock and did the few tests…no Secchi. The water is super clear, no problem seeing the bottom, likely about three feet where we were. About 2” of snow last week.