Kipabiskau Lake - 600m southeast of Kipabiskau Regional Park : Kipabiskau
Saskatchewan, Canada

- Observed on: Sat, 21 Aug 2021 14:15:00 -0600
Associated with:
University of Regina : Citizen Science - Lat: 52.567308
- Lng: -104.1759109
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We have had minimal or no rain all season and had very little spring runoff. July was in the 30s for most of the month and area crops are very poor. Lake level is down at least 12 inches with 5 feet of beach showing in front of the rock shore in some areas. We have had no visible algae the last 2 years however weed growth has increased significantly with low water levels making boat traffic in and out of docks on the west end difficult.
We hired a mechanical weed harvester to remove weeds Aug 14th weekend which greatly improved boat traffic to deeper water. This will probably be an annual thing. Still no visible algae however secchi depth only 1m and water murky.