Kipabiskau Lake - 600m southeast of Kipabiskau Regional Park : Kipabiskau
Saskatchewan, Canada

- Observed on: Sun, 25 Jul 2021 01:10:00 -0600
Associated with:
University of Regina : Citizen Science - Lat: 52.567308
- Lng: -104.1759109
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Our lake has experienced an increased weed growth growing further from shore and making it difficult to get boats off lifts and into deeper water. We are applying for a permit for a mechanical weed removal. On positive side the last 2 years we have had no dill type algae in the water column and to date no floating algae. Our water is clear for several meters out although the secchi depth was only 1.7 m in 7 meters of water at the middle of the lake. We are in a definite dry cycle with minimal rain since spring and minimal or no runoff. Lake is over a foot lower than normal.