pH (0-14)
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Puppy Creek @ Russell Rd : Puppy Creek
Citronelle, Alabama, United States

Observed by
The Fishermen Citronelle
- Observed on: Wed, 08 Mar 2017 11:26:00 -0600
Associated with:
Mobile Baykeeper : Citronelle High School - Lat: 31.0559671
- Lng: -88.250041
Observation report
See trends at this locationWater quality tests
Pending Quality Check from Water Rangers What's this?
Dissolved oxygen mg/L
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Air temperature °C
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Water temperature °C
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Latest photos
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Water much higher than previous; approximately 1.5 in rainfall in last 12 hours. Foam in creek. Lots of riparian veg, lots of algae and in stream plants. Slight yellow tint to water. Sand on banks indicates recent flooding. Tires and litter on banks. Downstream of wwtp ~1mi.