Echo Bay Bridge

Lake George

Ontario, Canada

Lake George - Access point at the nearby Marina for many recreational boaters and anglers. Communities of Echo Bay and Garden River FN on each side of inlet. Location is Lake George where it runs out to Lake Huron under the Echo Bay Bridge.

Lake George is home to a significant wetland, home to many aquatic species and birds.

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Strong NW winds made the water quite cloudy and brown over the long Canada Day weekend. Secchi depth was much lower in this location than the previous reading.

03 Jul 09:35 by BRITTNY WHITE

Observed Common Carp in Marsh, as well as Painted Turtles, Least Bittern, Red-winged Blackbirds, Pied-Billed Grebes, Great Blue-Heron, and American Widgeon.

Local Construction going on at the Echo Bay Bridge. Roads are being re-surfaced.
Currently a water advisory on for the TWP of Macdonald, Meredith and Aberdeen Additional due to an Oil spill into the St. Mary's River.

13 Jun 12:42 by BRITTNY WHITE