New Brighton Beach

Burrard Inlet

Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

The water is moving, with many barges and ships in the area

Location created by
Georgina Johnston
  • Lat: 49.2909109
  • Lng: -123.0393401
  • Waterbody Type: Ocean
  • Timezone: America/Vancouver

Latest photos

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Observations summary

Plant What's this?

Observation tests summary

Air temperature °C
20.0 Latest
20.0 Average
Water temperature °C
12.2 Latest
13.6 Average
Alkalinity mg/L
120 Latest
150 Average
Chlorine ppm
0.0 Latest
0.0 Average
Water depth m
0.5 Latest
0.5 Average
pH (0-14)
7.8 Latest
8.1 Average
Hardness mg/L
400 Latest
400 Average
Conductivity μS/cm
39900 Latest
39900 Average