Madge Lake
Saskatchewan, Canada

- Group: University of Regina : Citizen Science
- Lat: 51.6408548
- Lng: -101.6553133
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: UTC
Latest photos
View all photos“Earthy” do not normally detect a smell when there.
Water not as clear as normal; yellowish color. Small sample does appear clear.
Secchi disk was hard to see but still visible.
No algae notice. However in the next bay over in shallow water a lot is present. This area is is an area of concern due to water run off from
Near by horse riding area. Concern has been brought forward to Park Manger but they refuse to test.
Docks are present. Very clear water
No boats present. Not all docks in lake.
2023-06-01: Secchi depth changed from 154 to 1.54 meters.(same as water depth)
Water was clear
Algae blooms have been observed; come and go.
Filamentous algae?
Only couple docks in the bay with no boats on docks or in the bay.
Resident concerned with possible waste from near by stables entering the lake via stream.