Sharbot Lake East Basin

Ontario, Canada

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Ice went out on the main part of east basin, still a few remnants of ice sheets here and there but mostly out.

15 Mar 08:04 by Dan Goodchild

Evidence of Algae blooms both in shallow depths and mid lake

26 Jun 16:40 by Dan Goodchild

Ice out!

13 Apr 14:30 by Guy MacLeod

On route to test location, observed Bald Eagle nest with two large young birds. They were stretching their wings and moving from branch to branch all around the nest.

23 Jul 17:25 by Guy MacLeod

Chloride reading of 0 ppm changed to chlorine by admin (

26 Sep 07:40 by Guy MacLeod

Mix of sun and cloud. Moderate north wind. Moderate north wind yesterday, small amount of rain yesterday afternoon.

24 Sep 09:25 by Philip Rank

Sunny day. Very few light clouds. Slight breeze. Had been sunny and warm for past 3 days.

24 Jun 09:15 by Guy MacLeod

Sun & Cloud mix. Steady wind from North blowing 9-17 kph. Had a heavy downpour in previous 24 hours.

24 May 09:25 by Guy MacLeod

Previous 24 hours had been sunny and no rain. Calm & clear sky.
Note: Major down burst had occurred on Sept 21

27 Sep 07:30 by Guy MacLeod

Sunny day. No rain in past 24 hours. Testing for Total Phosphorus only. Secchi depth was 5.5 meters so sampled to 11.0 meters. Sample tested by Caduceon Labs in Kingston.

25 Aug 08:45 by Guy MacLeod