East Spillway

Pearl River

Brandon, Mississippi, United States

Pearl River just downstream from the Ross Barnett Reservoir Spillway dam. East side of the Pearl just upstream from where Pelahatchie Creek enters.

Location created by
Abby Braman

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River very high, tremendous amount of foam on river and up pelahatchie creek; about 20 egrets on banks and in trees; a few seagulls; all 8 gates open, high water flowing fast

16 Feb 11:30 by LeAnn Nealey

Light rain; light rain during night. One gate open, water level covering bars. Egrets, herons, about a dozen white pelicans under spillway and upriver, seagulls

26 Jan 08:20 by LeAnn Nealey

2 gates open; river up- all logs and bars covered; many seagulls on and above river; many egrets roosting in trees; some herons trying to land on submerged logs

29 Dec 08:30 by LeAnn Nealey

River up some , 2 gates open; no birds, sun setting

25 Nov 16:40 by LeAnn Nealey

Water very low; calm, couple of herons and egrets; low flow, one gate open

27 Oct 14:00 by LeAnn Nealey

A few egrets and blue herons; lots of fish breaking the surface; 2 gates open on the spillway, but water fairly low

29 Sep 08:00 by LeAnn Nealey

A dozen or so herons, a few egrets and six geese on exposed sandbar mid-river; several fish breaking the surface and many aquatic bugs on surface of river; very calm surface. River low, several wide sand bars and dead falls exposed. Water flow at spillway through one gate and a small amount of flow through a second gate.

28 Aug 06:30 by LeAnn Nealey

Much cooler and drier today: 1 gate open, river up slightly; some herons; super blue moon still showing in early morning sky

20 Aug 06:15 by LeAnn Nealey

River low but up a little from last week; 1 gate open a little flow; a few egrets and herons on logs and sand bars in the river; river very smooth

13 Aug 06:15 by LeAnn Nealey

River low, one gate open, moderate flow. Algae on submerged rocks and river bottom close to shore. River very calm, fish breaking surface, a few herons and egrets, but not as many as usual . Sun not up yet.

06 Aug 06:00 by LeAnn Nealey