Coldstream near Hamilton Brook Junction

Coldstream at Gilmore Rd and #580 corner

New Brunswick, Canada

Beneath the west side of bridge on #580 at corner of Gilmore Road where Coldstream and Hamilton Brook meet up

Location created by
Don Ross

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Coldstream at Gilmore Rd and #580 corner : Coldstream near Hamilton Brook Junction

Observed on

Sunny calm day with some rain in past 24 hrs. Very shallow water level but flowing nicely.

Coldstream at Gilmore Rd and #580 corner : Coldstream near Hamilton Brook Junction

Observed on

Overcast with some rain approaching. Mixed weather and some rain in past 24 hrs. Strong current i...

Coldstream at Gilmore Rd and #580 corner : Coldstream near Hamilton Brook Junction

Observed on

Sunny calm morning with no rain in past 24 hrs. No wildlife seen or heard at this time.

Coldstream at Gilmore Rd and #580 corner : Coldstream near Hamilton Brook Junction

Observed on

Sunny and calm day with no rain in past 24 hours and very little this spring so far. Saw a moose ...