Stoke Lock Pontoon

River Wey

Burpham, Surrey, United Kingdom

Location created by
Kat Kavanagh

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Tests read >4,840CFU/100mL.

06 Sep 09:05 by Sam Peters

Total Coliforms above testing limit >4839.2 cfu/100mL

10 May 09:30 by Alan Thorogood

Total coliforms and E. coli were both above the range >2419.6 CFU/100mL.

03 May 09:00 by Alan Thorogood

Results recorded from Fluidium for consistency. IDEXX Colilert = 1986.3CFU/100mL

26 Apr 09:30 by Alan Thorogood

River very High after a lot of heavy rain fall over past week. Flood alert issued for the Upper River Wey by Enviroment Agency .

25 Feb 13:15 by Sarah Davis

On the other side of the river from where we test is Slyfield Sewage works which is currently being de= commissioned and new Sewage works being re built further along the river. Tall cranes are now visible and tree line appears to be cut back and sheeting put up along river side, which we think maybe to do with Wildlife surveys . Heavy rain has occurred over past week and some trees have broken branches hanging over or landing in the river. The river is extremely high and fast moving. Out flow pipes from Sewage works are full flow and fast.

27 Oct 10:15 by Sarah Davis

Water level v high after storm / sewage smell

22 Sep 09:45 by Alan Thorogood

Today we saw lots of Wildlife. A Heron trying to fish and flying around the river. Lots of Ducks, Mother and baby Coots, A Grebe. There was a strong smell of Sewage as we walked nearer to the Slyfield Sewage works and our 2nd down stream testing site. The Slyfield Sewage works is being decommissioned and re built further down stream, there was evidence of large building work going on, on the opposite side of the river to where we test.

27 Aug 11:10 by Sarah Davis

Slight smell of sewage

29 Jul 15:30 by Alan Thorogood

Lots of little on bank, we cleared up !
Lots of paddle boarders / kayakers
Damsel flies

25 Jun 11:15 by Alan Thorogood