Swan Creek
Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada

- Group: Friends of Swan Creek Watershed
- Site ID: 7
- Lat: 48.4683145
- Lng: -123.386088
- Waterbody Type: Unknown
- Timezone: America/Vancouver
Latest photos
View all photos'refuse' (garden rake & flower pot) dredged from creek (very low water level)
so close to No visible Flow !
Passerby w/ great nephew stopped to inquire what I was doing! So, he was happy to hear that the Creek in his 'backyard' is being observed AND surprised to know that Cutthroat & Coho actually inhabit the lower reaches of the Creek. He shared the joys of fishing creeks in his youth ... almost a forgotten pastime for younger generations. We agreed that restoration of our urban streams is actually quite exciting!
Note 'Portable' Air Temperature Thermometer hanging in tree. Thanks Water Rangers!!