Swan Creek
Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada
Downstream of the McKenzie overpass, at the constructed riffle where streamside restoration has also taken place.

- Group: Friends of Swan Creek Watershed
- Site ID: 3
- Lat: 48.46672
- Lng: -123.39551
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: America/Vancouver
Latest photos
View all photos2 pair of dabbling Mallards are finding something of interest in this reach of the creek today.
REDD upstream last week @ 'underpass' riffle
now 2 skunk cabbage plants in zone about 8' apart (self multiplied)
ALSO 100+ shoreline grass 'plugs' planted to create better riparian flood zone
Trail walkers curious of my 'activity'. It's always a positive 'environmental' interaction with the public about their Park.
Final streamside restoration by Saanich Parks & PSSS re: effective eradication of Reed Canary Grass in 2013 to this shaded reach using native willow, alder and red cedar and FofSC volunteer control of Himalayan Blackberry.
small amount of unique brown substance collecting in riffle rocks (not oily)
consistent turbidity with downstream
two passersby stopped to inquire what I was doing! Able to share that the H2O quality is looking good for this season when the Coho & CTTrout were actively spawning. == 14 - 20 sighted in riffles & pools. 400+ Coho and 140+ sea run Cutthroat counted in mainstem Colquitz R. >>> the water levels have slowed to a good flow > now we'll wait to see how the eggs form and fry come to life!!
higher water levels healthy for spawners >> anecdotal sightings by local path walkers.
Water levels rising and increased flow is clearing some duckweed.