Wild Mile

Chicago River Goose Island

Chicago, Illinois, United States

Location created by
Mac Austin

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Chicago River Goose Island : Wild Mile

Observed on

Many ducks and geese. River pretty high.

Chicago River Goose Island : Wild Mile

Observed on

Smell is pleasant. Lots of geese and people. Floating islands starting to green up.

Chicago River Goose Island : Wild Mile

Observed on

Slight smell from waste management facility. Thousands of starlings. A few gulls. Many mallards....

Chicago River Goose Island : Wild Mile

Observed on

Not much smell , many ducks.; No geese

Chicago River Goose Island : Wild Mile

Observed on

Quiet on river. Rowers and geese. Fair amount of small bits of trash but not too smelly. Cloudy a...

Chicago River Goose Island : Wild Mile

Observed on

Smells from waste management ducks many starlings gulls pigeons ice on edges of river.

Chicago River Goose Island : Wild Mile

Observed on

Slight smell from Waste Management facility but very slight. Water very still. Sounds of geese.

Chicago River Goose Island : Wild Mile

Observed on

Smell from Waste Management light but present. Light breeze. Geese, gulls, and ducks.

Chicago River Goose Island : Wild Mile

Observed on

Canada geese, great blue heron, small brown song birds, some smell from recycling waste managemen...