Catalpa Creek
Starkville, Mississippi, United States

- Group: Mississippi State University : Mississippi Water Stewards
- Lat: 33.3911
- Lng: -88.7403998
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: America/Chicago
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View all photosVery high DO content may be caused by aquatic vegetation growing on stream bed right under where I sampled.
It was pretty cold when I first arrived (1C) but warmed up over the course of testing. I observed some algae or other aquatic plant growing along the bottom of the creek. I could not find the “other coliforms” entry, so the average was 2800 cfus/100ml, and total coliforms was 5400cfus/100ml
I know the datasheet says -4 air temp, but I remember where the line was on the thermometer, and I read it wrong. For some reason I read -1 as -4 .
Lots of orange, white, and yellow colonies too
Forgot to take site pictures; chemistry only