Lily Cache Creek

Lily Cache Creek

Plainfield, Illinois, United States

Open canopy, surrounded by reed canary grass; many riffles in upstream part of the site, run and pools in downstream region of site. Lots of algal growth.

Location created by
John Griffis

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Lily Cache Creek : Lily Cache Creek

Observed on

Depth 0.13 m. Creek half frozen over.

Lily Cache Creek : Lily Cache Creek

Observed on

Depth 0.27 m but not the same spot as depth is usually measured due to creek mostly frozen over w...

Lily Cache Creek : Lily Cache Creek

Observed on

I am pretty certain there was a sandhill crane in the creek when I arrived. It flew immediately; ...

Lily Cache Creek : Lily Cache Creek

Observed on

Lily Cache Creek : Lily Cache Creek

Observed on

Depth 0.17m

Lily Cache Creek : Lily Cache Creek

Observed on

Depth 0.18 m, near center.

Lily Cache Creek : Lily Cache Creek

Observed on

Depth 0.18 m, near center.

Lily Cache Creek : Lily Cache Creek

Observed on

The creek was very full. I could not enter the creek due to the ice shelf along the shore, under ...

Lily Cache Creek : Lily Cache Creek

Observed on

Depth was 0.15 m.

Lily Cache Creek : Lily Cache Creek

Observed on

Depth 0.16 m. Creek pretty full. Some ice along edges and on boulders.