Road Salt Project: Wagg after Confluence with Mission

Wagg Creek

North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Location created by
Carolynne Robertson

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Slight chemical and metallic smell. Good depth of water. But lack of habitat very exposed due to hemlock Luper moth tree calling and Winter deciduous loss of tree leaves. Hanging sedge invasive on the banks.

30 Dec 12:33 by Carolynne Robertson

cond meter 17.4 water temp

31 Aug 15:01 by Carolynne Robertson

smell of chemical. water clear and low

29 Jun 15:00 by Carolynne Robertson

clear running well
foam downstream fr stormpipe

23 Mar 13:54 by Carolynne Robertson

water flowing high and fast

10 Jan 14:09 by Carolynne Robertson

Water temp handheld conductivity metre is 7.7°C. Water flowing moderate levels and clear.

13 Dec 12:41 by Carolynne Robertson

very Clear water.

14 Nov 12:20 by Carolynne Robertson

EC is 172 at 14.8 celsius.
Water temp taken from instant read digital which seems to be more accurate (ec meter can read up to 1degree higher).
water clear.

Pool seems to be forming as water is carving a channel towards south bank.

10 Oct 17:38 by Carolynne Robertson

49.32052° N, 123.08929° W

22 Sep 14:04 by Carolynne Robertson

first rain after several wks drought.

04 Sep 19:36 by Carolynne Robertson