West Lagoon - West/Main Deck

Blakeburn Lagoons

Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada

Location created by
John Saremba

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Fish observed: Blue Gill, Catfish, Green Sunfish, Red Breast Sunfish
7 Ducklings with mom Duck

Observation completed by Jayden, Jessica, Josie - Terry Fox Secondary REACH

12 Jun 09:44 by TFSTEAM

Seven baby ducks with mother duck.
Observation completed by Josie, Jessica, Seb and Owen - Terry Fox Secondary School - REACH.

05 Jun 09:37 by TFSTEAM

Testing completed by Seb, Owen and Jessica. Terry Fox Secondary - REACH.

30 May 09:38 by TFSTEAM

Test completed by Seb, Jessica, Owen and Josie - Terry Fox Secondary - REACH Program!

22 May 09:45 by TFSTEAM

Completed by Seb, Owen, Jessica and Josie - Terry Fox Secondary School - REACH Program

15 May 09:43 by TFSTEAM

Observation completed by Owen, Josie, Jessica - TFSS - REACH

08 May 09:40 by TFSTEAM

Completed by Owen and Seb. Terry Fox Secondary School - REACH.

06 May 09:32 by TFSTEAM

Completed by Josie, Jessica, Nick and Owen - Terry Fox Secondary School - REACH Program.

01 May 09:46 by TFSTEAM

Waterfowl observed on west lagoon including: mallards, hooded mergansers, American widgeons, Northern shovelers, and coots, as well as Black-capped chickadees and juncos.

Note: minor amounts of salt noted on observation platform deck to reduce slippage issues.

27 Nov 09:52 by John Saremba

Wildlife observations at or near sampling site included: Canada goose (22); mallards (11), America wigeons (6), gadwalls (4), black-capped chickadees (3), Anna's hummingbird (1), white-crowned sparrows (6), Spotted towhee (2).

24 Sep 09:28 by John Saremba