Arm Lake
Saskatchewan, Canada
Dock may be a little slippery.

- Group: University of Regina : Citizen Science
- Lat: 51.0644185
- Lng: -105.8008075
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Regina
Latest photos
View all photoswater level low
Greater Yellowlegs on dock on arrival
Heard a short-billed dowitcher from a distance, then it landed nearby
Great blue heron flushed from nearby reeds
A pair of fisherman pulled up at the same time as us. They fished from the shore while we tested from the dock. Asked a few questions about what we were doing, and were supportive of water testing of SK lakes
August long weekend
2 fishing boats nearby
2 people fishing off the dock (no catches yet, but only recently arrived)
Significant algae growth
Number of hauls: 3
Haul length (m): 16
Haul volume (L): 1131.2
Number of Hauls: 3
Haul Length: 15
Haul Volume (L): 1,060.5