Trout Lake- John Hendry Park South End 3

Trout Lake

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Location created by
CJ Moore

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Nesting geese with young. Crows bathing:)

03 May 14:22 by Jana Ronne

Lake still has melting ice on surface.

25 Jan 16:31 by Jana Ronne

Saw but did not take picture of great blue heron.

27 Oct 14:30 by Jana Ronne

Beach retreated by about 2 to 3 meters and water is visibly cloudy and smelly. Beach is full of geese droppings.
Lots of redwing blackbird and crow activity.

22 Jun 10:35 by Jana Ronne

Lots of geese, goose poop, and algae on the shore.

03 Jun 14:10 by Jana Ronne