Pearl River
Brandon, Mississippi, United States
Site is on upstream edge of sandbar on right downstream bank of Pearl River located 0.25 miles south of the Lake Hico water intake tower on River. Site is upstream of confluence with Purple Creek. Access is from the east end of Westbrook Road. Westbrook Road ends at the open gate to the Westbrook family compound. Drive thru the open gate on the gravel road and continue straight. Gravel track will change to dirt track at 0.10 mile from gate where the gravel drive to the Westbrook family compound veers to left – continue straight. Park on side of track at bar gate located on
right side that leads to the Lake Hico water intake structure on the Pearl River. The trail or path to the sandbar begins here. Walk down the open access track to the Lake Hico intake structure. Continue straight past intake along trails thru the woods along and near the upper bank of the Pearl River. The distance is 0.4 miles from the parking site to the sandbar. Sample the river at the upstream edge of the sandbar. The Pearl River bank at the end of Westbrook Road is high and steep. If walking to the sandbar site is not desirable, alternative sampling sites are along the river downstream from the Lake Hico water intake structure, although the very steep river bank is ~ 15 – 25 feet in height in these areas. Jack Westbrook owns the property where parking is located and down the trails thru woodlands to the sandbar. Louise York lives nearby. The driveway to Ms. York’s house is the last gravel drive to the right just before the Westbrook gate. Ms. York contacted Mr. Westbrook about the desire of RiverKeepers to monitor the Pearl River at this location, and Mr. Westbrook approved.

- Group: Mississippi State University : Mississippi Water Stewards
- Lat: 32.3650645
- Lng: -90.1007438
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: America/Chicago
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View all photosVery low flow if at all, test site virtually a pool at 0.75 m deep, stage from USGS gauge downstream at Hwy 25. Testing done at alternative upstream site, just upstream from abandoned Lake Hico water intake structure. Alternative site is biologically equivalent to regular test site. Alternative site not typically used because of very steep vertical river banks that can be slippery and are difficult to descend. Alternative site used on this test because of very dry weather and ability to descend.
River stage at typical low summer flow, 16.3' at USGS downstream gauge at Hwy 15. Very little current. Test site is at alternative site, which is biologically equivalent to regular site, from steep river bank just upstream of the old Lake Hico pumping station, about 1/8 mile upstream from regular testing site. Not able to access regular test site because of time restriction.
River up from recent rain, from at USGS downstream gauge at Hwy 15, at 18.6'. Typical summer low flow is about 16.2 feet. Muddy.
river stage at USGS downstream gauge at Hwy 25. River at typical low summer flow without recent rain or big discharge from upstream reservoir. Test was acquired at an alternative, but biologically equivalent, upstream site because of limited time and down timber that require a detour around previous normal path to established test site on downstream sandbar. Alternative site is just upstream near old abandoned Lake Hico water intake tower. No tributaries on either site of river enter the river between this alternative test site and the standard test site. Alternative site requires dropping down a very steep near vertical river bank, and climbing out.
rive stage from USGS downstream gauge at Hwy 25. River at typical summer low flow.
river at typical low summer flow. Test site not at regular site because of impending summer rain and no time, so stopped before sandbar normal site, scramble down steep bank for a test. This alternative test site is biologically equivalent to normal test site, though steep bank is not favorable. River stage is from downstream USGS gauge at Hwy 25.
River stage from USGS downstream gauge at Hwy 25. Summer low flow.
unusual test results for 0 E. coli combined with very low other coliform. River stage from USGS gauge downstream at Hwy 15 Lakeland Drive.
River stage 22.5' at USGS Hwy 25 downstream gauge, river running higher because of recent rainfall and release from upstream reservoir spillway. Test site sandbar mostly underwater except very top of bar.
low summer flow, 16.2 stage at USGS Hwy 25 downriver gauge