Road Salt Project - 22nd Street Footbridge

Wagg Creek

North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Several metres downstream of confluence of Wagg main stem and 22nd St Stormwater pipe; just before a pedestrian footbridge. Water flows well at this location; there is a slight grade.

Location created by
Carolynne Robertson

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No air temp taken.
Continued scour in the middle of the stream bed. Channelsalso continuing to widen. Slight cloudiness in water column.

28 Dec 16:09 by Carolynne Robertson

water mostly clear. Sediment from last year a Paris appears to have settled out and the creek is trying to deal with it and has formef alge. Overtime the pool has been scoured in the channel. Water flowing well.

21 May 13:27 by Carolynne Robertson

Water temp with handheld conductivity metre is 8.4°C. A pool is being scoured and is noticeably deeper than last summer.

11 Dec 15:38 by Carolynne Robertson

Spill at 22nd St stormpipe,tests taken for comparison

11 Apr 14:16 by Carolynne Robertson

Depth taken close to mid channel

13 Jan 12:32 by Carolynne Robertson

Water flowing well.

01 Dec 13:45 by Carolynne Robertson

Water moving quickly

05 Nov 15:14 by Carolynne Robertson

New sod. Water flowing faster than usual. Water a bit cloudy. Frothy bubbles.

22 Oct 10:38 by Carolynne Robertson

City worker was using a small plough (size of a lawnmower) to overturn grass in area.

07 Oct 10:45 by Carolynne Robertson

Water clear, a little bit of trash in the creek, water is flowing well.

30 Aug 02:15 by Carolynne Robertson