Albert st bridge

Wascana lake

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Location created by
Citizen Science
  • Lat: 50.436504
  • Lng: -104.6176469
  • Waterbody Type: Lake
  • Timezone: America/Regina

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DO was very low. Did two tests to confirm the result.

25 Aug 16:45 by Sarah Morhart

Salinity meter was not calibrated for this test.

26 May 15:55 by Sarah Morhart

There's quite a bit of algae in the lake. I believe this affected the secchi depth reading.

25 Jun 17:10 by Sarah Morhart

There were many, many of those brown organisms in the water. They looked sort of like insects. They were swimming around, especially when some were scooped up in my samples.

28 May 17:05 by Sarah Morhart