Pike Lake
Saskatchewan, Canada

- Group: University of Regina : Citizen Science
- Site ID: Pike Lake Baseline Site
- Lat: 51.9024279
- Lng: -106.8166757
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Regina
Latest photos
View all photosPhosphate and Nitrates showed totally clear
We have never had any change in color with these tests
Lake is full of aquatic plants...milfoil predominantly which has not been seen for 7 years
Algae is present as well but not surface algae it is in suspension
Lake clarity was very high in the spring but now has changed
very windy day
water level of lake was at full supply
River Pump is open and running
No water flow from the river at this time
There is no flow into the lake from the river at this time
Water pumping from river at .33m#/sec, Water level 481.595 (13" low still)
Water pumping from river at .33m#/sec, pumping Lake level at 481.52
Water pumping from river at .33m#/sec, pumping now for about a month Water from south creek still inflow, 10" deep
Lake level 481.59 FSL 481.94 - Started at 480.95
Fresh water shrimp? Ice is .8 meter thck (Below FSL 1.18 (46"))