Bailey Creek- Kennansville side Rd.

Bailey Creek

Ontario, Canada

Shallow fast moving water.

Location created by
Lisa Narowski

Latest photos

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lots of wood debris
2 crayfish- small, 1 & 2 inch
clear moderate flow
Swallow's nests under bridge

26 Jun 10:00 by Lisa Narowski

Clear, quick flow with some small woody debris.
Some Brown/green filament algae on rock.
Green moss above water on rocks.

29 May 10:06 by Lisa Narowski

*on April 11th, 22 saw several Rainbow Trout both Male and female and minnows.
clear with sediment present. dark green algae on some rocks. upstream of testing site saw several green algae encasing sediment.

Sucker and Stickle back

24 Apr 10:09 by Lisa Narowski

very clear
fast flowing
sediment settled on creek bottom ( from sediment breached discarges from Colgan development- September and October 2021)

28 Nov 10:33 by Lisa Narowski

very clear
fast flowibg
sediment settled on creek bottom ( from sediment breached discarges from Colgan development- September and October 2021)

28 Nov 10:33 by Lisa Narowski

-relatively clear
-sediment build-up noted along bank edges and on downstream side of rocks in creek by bridge
-fast flowing

Note: At dride on our property(to cottage) water murky/brown

31 Oct 09:55 by Lisa Narowski

-relatively clear
-sediment build-up noted along bank edges and on downstream side of rocks in creek by bridge
-fast flowing

Note: At dride on our property(to cottage) water murky/brown

31 Oct 09:55 by Lisa Narowski

Sept. 21, sept 22 Bailey Creek extreamly dark and very turbid. Confirmed by NVCA to be a sediment breech from Colgan develment site- upstream from test site. Second sediment breech mid afternoon September 25th.

fast flowing and very murkey
frog on the bank

The alkalinity greater than 240 ppm

26 Sep 10:08 by Lisa Narowski

water moving quickly and very murky
minnows and Snapping turtles

conductivity, wasen't taken this month due to dead battery

29 Aug 10:02 by Lisa Narowski

-Water Clear
-fast moving
-moss, catercress, weedy
-crayfish, (minnows, Stickleback)
Dragonflies, butterflies

25 Jul 10:00 by Lisa Narowski