Rotary Creek

St. Lawrence River

Ontario, Canada

Location created by
River Institute

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substrate made up of clay and rocks
1 Canada Goose
phragmites, mixed wood trees, Aspen

04 Sep 12:00 by Winter McDougall

4 female mallards on rocks near lily pads, 1 mallard - sex unknown
belted kingfisher observed flying and landed in a tree
a dog and a couple present

28 Aug 12:00 by Winter McDougall

Smells fresh
4 female Mallards present
Fish observed - possibly juvenile large mouth bass and gobies
Canadian geese

Bittersweet nightshade
Common Ninebark
European Alder
Golden rod
Wild parsnip
Common Buckthorn
Riverbank grape
European Ash
Willow tree

14 Aug 12:08 by Winter McDougall

angler activity in a 'no fishing zone' and garbage present
Osprey observed flying, narrow-winged damsel fly present (Coenagrionidae)
homeless encampment at the pond north of the sample site

07 Aug 12:00 by Winter McDougall

Virile (?) Crayfish, painted turtles, LOTS of phragmites, fragrant white lilypads, typha, tape grass, eurasian milfoil.
Fish: Spotfin shiner, Largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, banded killifish, logperch, yellow perch, mottled sculpin, brown bullhead, cutlip minnow, bluegill sunfish, pumpkinseed sunfish, bluntnose minnow, fallfish, Tubenose goby, round goby

Species at risk: cutlip minnow
invasive species: Phragmites, tubenose and round gobies

01 Aug 13:10 by Emma Ehrenfeld

Insects: Caddisfly, Cicada,
Gastropods: Pleuroceridae sp. (hard, striped, cone shaped shells, operculum (trapdoor)).
Bivalves: Zebra Mussels
Birds: Mallards, Great blue heron, gulls, double crested cormorants.
Plants: Purple loosestrife, dogwood, phragmites.

Invasive Species: Zebra Mussels, phragmites, purple loosestrife

04 Aug 17:37 by Emma Ehrenfeld

Rocky bottom area with moving water - rocks covered in algae.
We saw mallards, double-crested cormorants, herring gulls, and a great blue heron.

There were thousands of young-of-year perch, white suckers, and minnow species. Other fish included rock bass, bluntnose minnows and mimic shiners.

05 Jul 13:05 by Emma Ehrenfeld