Under the Bridge on S Side of Hwy 66 at Misena River

Misena River

Ontario, Canada

Easily accessed from under the highway bridge on the south side of Hwy 66 along the riverbank on east side of the river ahead of the small rapids.

Location created by
Don Ross

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Sunny day with some rain in past 24 hrs. Dragonflies around.

18 Jul 14:30 by Don Ross

Sunny with medium winds and no rain in past 24 hrs. Good current flowing over the rapids here now.

21 Sep 14:00 by Don Ross

Mostly sunny with some clouds and no rain in past 24 hrs. Dragonflies, horseflies and water bugs. Someone left a big pile of garbage along the trail to the river.

29 Jun 16:30 by Don Ross

Sunny day with no clouds and no rain in past 24 hours. No wildlife around at this time. Nice current flowing over the rapids today.

02 Sep 09:15 by Don Ross

Overcast and a bit of rain in past 24 hours. Lots of hungry mosquitoes here under the bridge tonight feasting on me.

03 Jun 18:55 by Don Ross

Sunny afternoon with some rain/snow mix overnight. Lots of water flowing over the rapids here.

20 Apr 13:45 by Don Ross

Overcast, calm and lightly drizzling rain. Has been bridge & highway construction here over the summer but mostly completed now it seems.

24 Oct 12:35 by Don Ross

Partly cloudy with sunny breaks and moderately windy. Some snow over past 24 hours. Lots of strong current and water flow over the rapids now.

19 Nov 15:00 by Don Ross

Heavy storm clouds in the sky and quite windy. Rained lightly this morning and heavily overnight. Some water bugs along the surface.

04 Sep 13:15 by Don Ross

No rain in past 24 hrs. Sunny and calm day. Water rushing strongly over the rapids and small falls. Lots of garbage everywhere along the shoulders of the highway and near the bridge here.

13 May 12:00 by Heather Ross