Ellis Ave. Bridge Crossing

Lynch Creek

Jackson, Mississippi, United States

Lynch Creek @ Ellis Ave. Bridge Crossing, Immediately N. of John R. Lynch St. Sampling behind the Subway Restaurant, just upstream of the bridge crossing.

Location created by
Mark Dugo

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Observation tests summary

Air temperature °C
29.0 Latest
30.8 Average
Water temperature °C
29.0 Latest
31.4 Average
Total coliform cfu per 100mL
21100 Latest
15325 Average
E.coli cfu per 100mL
1700 Latest
3358 Average
Other coliform cfu per 100mL
19400 Latest
11967 Average
Incubation time (hours)
33.0 Latest
33.0 Average
Incubation temperature °C
37.0 Latest
37.0 Average