Drake St. Park

Clark Creek

Ontario, Canada

46.49787, -84.27873

Clark Creek is a flood control channel; it also goes underground into a short aqueduct.

Location created by
Ajaz Shaikh

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Clark Creek : Drake St. Park

Observed on

The site is safe to access for all monitors. The edge of right bank is about to collapse but this...

Clark Creek : Drake St. Park

Observed on

All volunteers can access, wear rubber boots. Ice on the water surface. Par/Recreation, Strom Wa...

Clark Creek : Drake St. Park

Observed on

Be careful on the snowbanks as they are melting. Water flow is very strong because of the rainfal...

Clark Creek : Drake St. Park

Observed on

Snow was melting. Can not stay on the road for a long time, as big vehicles are passing very fast...

Clark Creek : Drake St. Park

Observed on

1 Mallard spotted upon arrival. Ice flows found in stream, but did not extend across. When the te...

Clark Creek : Drake St. Park

Observed on

Can’t see the level ground, snow is very deep, icy, slippery, hard to climb up snow bank. Park/r...

Clark Creek : Drake St. Park

Observed on

Snow, downhill, slippery, deep, we could not see level ground, some pond weed was green, there we...

Clark Creek : Drake St. Park

Observed on

Couldn’t see level ground, deep snow, parking could be an issue, slippery. Park/Recreation as po...