Crystal Lake

Crystal Lake

Jackson, Mississippi, United States

Recreational lake commonly used for fishing, kayaking, etc. Contains one boat launch ramp, and several piers. Water is easily accessible.

Location created by
Tara Lacoste

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I noticed that there were more particulates in the water than I normally observe. The water appeared murkier than usual as well.

20 Jun 09:10 by Joy D. Rhoads

I had expected flooding, but I was still able to access the testing site. The water level was much higher than I have observed in a while.

22 Jun 14:58 by Joy D. Rhoads

The water level was much higher than in previous weeks, and there was significant debris and litter present in the water. There was also construction in close proximity of the lake.

06 Jul 12:40 by Joy D. Rhoads

Typically I test along the water's edge. However, thanks to Pearl Riverkeepers supporter and Capital City Kayaks owner Chris Lockhart, I was able to test in an area only accessible by water.

01 Jun 14:05 by Joy D. Rhoads

Water level appeared approximately 8-12 inches higher than normal at sample site, due to heavy rainfall on 8-26-19 and 8-27-19.

30 Aug 13:05 by Tara Lacoste

Water level visibly higher than typical due to heavy rainfall over the course of the previous week.

19 Jul 14:14 by Tara Lacoste

No rainfall within 24 hours prior to sample collection.

21 Jun 13:45 by Tara Lacoste

Approximately .5 inch of rainfall within previous 24 hours. Samples collected near boat ramp and pier. No boats present at time of collection.

07 Jun 13:19 by Tara Lacoste