Georgetown Bridge

Pearl River

Georgetown, Mississippi, United States

The Georgetown Bridge over the Pearl River is on highway 28, 1.7 miles east of the intersection of Highways 27 and 28 in Georgetown, Mississippi, connecting Copiah and Simpson Counties. Access the river from the west (Georgetown/Copiah County side) at the Georgetown Landing Public Boat Launching Ramp 150 feet down river (south) from the bridge, and sample at the upstream side of the boat ramp. The boat ramp is concrete and the bank is sandy.

Location created by
Abby Braman

Latest photos

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Observation tests summary

Air temperature °C
10.5 Latest
22.9 Average
Water temperature °C
12.0 Latest
25.5 Average
Total coliform cfu per 100mL
3800 Latest
3003 Average
Incubation temperature °C
33.0 Latest
35.6 Average
E.coli cfu per 100mL
1200 Latest
333 Average
Other coliform cfu per 100mL
2600 Latest
2669 Average
Incubation time (hours)
42.0 Latest
36.0 Average