Welland River, River Rd Parkette
Welland, Ontario, Canada
43°0′5″ N 79°14′26″ W
Slight current
Downstream from water treatment facility
Across from (East of) Merritt Island
Location created by
Duncan MacDuff
- Group: Lake Erie Guardians - Winter Road Salt Monitoring : Lake Erie Guardians - Winter Road Salt Monitoring
- Site ID: ???// 43°0′5″ N 79°14′26″ W
- Lat: 42.9980248
- Lng: -79.2427754
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
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Thin layer of ice along the shoreline. Open water 5 meters off shoreline.
Murky water
Downstream from water treatment facility and Welland Canal aqueduct