Welland River, River Rd, EC Brown Conservation Area

Welland River

Ontario, Canada

Slow current

Boat launch and dock

Location created by
Duncan MacDuff

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Welland River : Welland River, River Rd, EC Brown Conservation Area

Observed on

Ice on,unable to collect sample

Welland River : Welland River, River Rd, EC Brown Conservation Area

Observed on

Ice on; completely iced over, snowmobiles riding on the ice

Welland River : Welland River, River Rd, EC Brown Conservation Area

Observed on

This section of the river is completely ice covered. Multiple snowmobiles riding on the river’s i...

Welland River : Welland River, River Rd, EC Brown Conservation Area

Observed on

Essentially off ice, very thin and narrow strip of ice along the shoreline Location: 42°58′1...