Black Creek ( River )
Milford, Ontario, Canada
Seasonal stream ( spring & fall mostly ) flowing from west under County Rd 10 near Chapmans Cres into the marsh of the Black River which then flows eventually downstream into Lake Ontario . Test location is beside the culvert on the east side of the road which can be accessed easily by walking down the small embankment.

- Lat: 43.9303999
- Lng: -77.0870519
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
View all photosVery windy and raining lightly now. About 8 mm rainfall in past 24 hrs. Canada Geese have been flying overhead and heading for the millpond. River on this side now flowing a bit and enough to test again now that dam and beavers removed from other side of roadway.
Mostly sunny with clouds forming and very calm….no rain in past 24 hrs. Lots of robins, bluebirds, and other songbirds around to be seen and heard…also Canada Geese. Pr of swans that normally are here are not around at this time. Some clusters of tiny bugs in the air and over the water surface. Not much flowing on this side of the culvert so level much lower than past spring measurements. County had been working earlier this month on doing somethings in the culvert to discourage beavers from damning it up so perhaps that’s why it’s lower now?
Partly cloudy and very calm. Less than 2 MM rainfall in past 24 hours but almost 60 MM in past 4 days so banks of the creek and marsh have been extended on both sides of the road. Pair of white swans nesting in the marsh where they’ve been for several weeks now protecting their nest of eggs. Lots of red winged blackbirds, robins, crows & some ducks & geese. A few tadpoles and small frogs hit the water when I went for my sample.
Sunny with some clouds and calm winds. Had about 6 MM rain fall in past 24 hours. Some songbirds heard nearby. Lots of water flowing under the roadway from the other side where county crews had cleared away this morning the clogged up culvert.
Partly cloudy and no rain in past 24 hours. Not enough water in the stream to test….lots of green algae bloom though. Some red winged blackbirds around.
Overcast with threatening rain clouds forming. No rain in past 24 hours. Pair of nesting swans that are always here in this part of the river this spring. Lots of red winged blackbirds, frogs and toads heard, songbirds, dragonflies and mosquitoes. Some green algae and usual weeds. Beavers have dammed up the culvert under the road so not much flow so on other side of the road water level quite high. Roads crew notified earlier this month and no actions taken as of yet.
Sunny day with mild winds. No rainfall in past 24 hrs. Lots of ducks & Canada Geese, some swans, crows and red winged blackbirds around the marsh and on the river.
Sunny and windy day with some clouds around. Had 1.4 Mm rain in past 24 hours. Bit of a flow in the stream again after such a dry summer….water looks nice and clear again as it is in springtime. Some red winged blackbirds in the marsh.
Partly cloudy and calm evening with no rainfall in past 24 hours. Barely any water to test and no current or flow at all. Heavy green algae cover and lots of weeds. Crickets can be heard all around the marsh, some bees and mosquitoes around.
Sunny and calm with no rain in past 24 hours. Few red winged blackbirds around as always. Just barely enough water to test due to prolonged period with little to no rainfall.