DuPage River Park - Small Pond - Site 2


Naperville, Illinois, United States

Location created by
Leah Gladkowski

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Sample was taken at 2:33 pm. There was a little bit of ice on the far side. Water levels looked low.

22 Feb 15:17 by Leah Gladkowski

Took sample at 2:25 pm. Water level of the pond was below the bank. Half the pond was frozen, causing me to have to sample on the opposite side of where I sampled previously. Some ducks were hanging out on the edge of the ice.

25 Jan 16:21 by Leah Gladkowski

Sampled at 9:04 am. Water level was slightly higher than last time. There was a fish in the pond and some invertibrates in the bucket of water I pulled for sampling

28 Dec 10:04 by Leah Gladkowski

Ice was forming on the edges of two sides of the lake. Water flow into and out of the lake was low. Ducks were swimming and eating in the lake. Test was performed at 1:15 pm.

30 Nov 14:37 by Leah Gladkowski