Bonnechere River
Ontario, Canada

- Group: Water Rangers : 2019 Test strip reading study
- Lat: 45.514196
- Lng: -76.556613
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
View all photosVery low flow, back flow from Ottawa River. Lots of leaf litter. Visible turbidity and slight yellowish colour.
Clear, slight yellowish colour, some visible algae and fine sediment on substrate. Slow flow.
Some road construction on River Road and machines parked at boat launch. Appear to be clean and well cared for and parked away from river.
Slight visible turbidity, trace yellowish colour, algae visible, low flow, similar as observations made Sept 22.
Slightly turbid, slow flow, some algae present in margins,
Pickerel weed adjacent to sample area, boat launching downstream, work on bridge area (construction platform under bridge).
80% cloud cover; humid
60%cloud; warm; humid
fast-flowing; very murky water; high levels due to rain; DO and pH measured with a sonde
Water is not as muddy looking as previous sampling period.
Storms were recorded in last 24 hours (option not available on menu). Muddy water; water very turbid. Bad storms during the past week. As a side note; we did water quality testing from near the headwaters down to the mouth of the Bonnechere; and water clarity seemed to be bad at both Renfrew sites in particular.
A few severe thunderstorms earlier during the week; water is more brown; not as clear.