Eslava Creek
Mobile, Alabama, United States
Eslava Creek @ Litter Trap on McVay.

- Group: Mobile Baykeeper : Mobile Baykeeper Team
- Site ID: AWW06005004
- Lat: 30.6437229
- Lng: -88.0969137
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: America/Chicago
Latest photos
Had not rained in a few weeks. Water was visibly lower.
Media expiration: 8/2019
Light rain when samples were collected
*Incubator heat was not sustained at 29C - will need additional lamp increase temperature.
Media expiration August 2019
Rain previous 24 hours. Media 6-1-19
Media expiration date 6-1-2019
Rain in previous 24-48 hours. Light sheen on water. City preparing to empty the litter trap after receiving first significant rain in several weeks. Media Expiration 11/18
Media Expiration Date 12/18
Stopped hardness at 40 drops. Likely some saltwater intrusion upstream with not much rain lately.
Little to no rain lately.
Big school of adult mullet circling the site.