Third Depot Lake near dam

Third Depot Lake

Ontario, Canada

The location is still water between the boat ramp and the dam at Third Depot Lake.
No danger at this site.

Location created by
Barry Campbell
  • Group: Water Rangers : Testers
  • Site ID: BNC 001
  • Lat: 44.5590258
  • Lng: -76.7797136
  • Waterbody Type: Lake
  • Timezone: America/Toronto

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The water level was actually 0.5 m below the rock that I had used as the bottom in previous measurements. This has hopefully been corrected by adding 1 m to all of the depths.

01 Oct 10:30 by Barry Campbell

The water depth was measured at the same point as other measurements, the Secchi depth farther offshore.

26 Aug 08:50 by Barry Campbell

The water depth was measured to a flat stone an arm's length from the shore. The depth falls off suddenly past this stone. The water level is down about 1 metre based on the water level on the dam.

28 Jul 06:10 by Barry Campbell

Only recorded the Secchi depth as other measurements made three days previously. Was able to get out onto the lake in a boat.

11 Jul 16:11 by Barry Campbell

The water samples were taken by the flat rock in the foreground

07 Jul 12:30 by Barry Campbell