Marnham Outfall

Marnham Outfall

London, Ealing, United Kingdom

This surface water outfall is known to be misconnected to a block of 9 flats, and is frequently festooned with wet wipes. It also tends to contain a thick sediment of black silt, presumably from road run-off.

Location created by
Ben Morris

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Thames Water tested this outfall 20.09.24 with these results:
Temp 18.2
764.7 mmHg
49.3 DO 4.63 DO
1078 SPC
7.63 pH
18.29 NH4-N
0.27 NH3-N

It is reported that 9 misconnected flats are polluting this surface water drain. It is not yet clear why they have not been rectified.

10 Oct 11:45 by Ben Morris