Jean's Pond

Pond on Jean Arnold's Property

New Brunswick, Canada

Pond beside South Knowlesville Rd. on Jean Arnold's property

Location created by
Jenna Ross

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Sunny calm day with some rain in past 24 hrs. Lots of songbirds heard around the area now.

15 May 10:45 by Don Ross

Partly cloudy with some gusty winds at times. No rain in past 24 hrs. Few songbirds around and a frog jumped into the pond from edge of water.

07 Oct 13:25 by Don Ross

Sunny calm day with no rain in past 24 hrs. Just a few water bugs along the surface of the pond.

13 Oct 10:25 by Don Ross

Very dry this year

08 Oct 02:10 by KAN Water Rangers

Partly cloudy and mild winds. Some water bugs, mosquitoes and few frogs. No birds seen or heard.

12 Aug 13:55 by Don Ross

Sunny & calm winds today and no rainfall in past 24 hrs. Some songbirds seen & heard.

09 May 09:35 by Don Ross

Rained over past 24 hours and light breeze.

12 Oct 18:42 by Don Ross

No rainfall in past 24 hours other than tiny sprinkle of rain a short time ago. Clouding over now and thunderstorms expected this afternoon. Calm winds right now. Pair of green frogs in the pond along the edge watching us, Dragonflies, mosquitoes and water bugs around. Some Lilly pads on the pond. Water seems quite clear with not much algae or pollen floating on the surface.

10 Jul 12:03 by Don Ross

Did a science class with the older group of students at the Knowlesville Art & Nature School ( KAN ) Has been sunny and dry past 24 hours but currently raining, birds, black flies, water bugs. Began raining more steadily as we tested. Calm winds, overcast.

15 May 13:45 by Jenna Ross